Services | Sober Brains
Get proven, non-invasive, and medication-free Neurofeedback services to continue to win your fight
against addiction, right in the comfort of your home. Schedule your free consultation!
Now, right from the comfort of your home, you can get non-invasive, medication-free, and proven treatment to support an addiction free life!
Our board-certified Neurofeedback methods will help you to finally win your battle against addiction.
Package Offer
Primary Package
Our holistic package consists of a 360° addiction treatment that covers everything, from the neural and
physical to the psychological and emotional. Here’s all that’s included:
QEEG (Brain Map)
Quantitative Electroencephalogram
Your treatment begins with an accurate picture of your brain’s functioning: a quantitative electroencephalogram “QEEG” or “brain map”! This completely non-invasive technology works by picking up on your brainwaves and telling us about any out-of-sync or dis-regulated patterns in these brainwaves. Since your brain is your command center, once we know where it’s a little wonky, we can begin to pinpoint and solve your addiction problem, once and for all!
40 Neurofeedback Sessions
Don’t just know what’s wrong; fix it and change for the better! That’s essentially the goal of our neurofeedback sessions – “retrain the brain”. In these sessions, our licensed practitioner will be your guide! Together, you will work towards creating new, beneficial neural pathways. You will learn how to “reward” your brain for behaving better and for controlling its compulsive and addictive behaviors. Your brain will also learn how to cope with daily struggles while you stay disciplined!
Mini QEEG (at Session 20)
It’s important that you know you’re making steady progress. We don’t just keep you in the dark as your addiction treatment moves along. We provide a mini QEEG at session 20, which enables us to see the progress that you’ve made from session 1 till session 20. Underlying this positive development is all the work you will have done by this point to “retrain” your brain! As your brain begins to build new neural pathways, you’ll notice positive results in your behavior and mini QEEG.
Text Based Check-Ins After Each Session
Stay on track with a gentle check-in after each neurofeedback session. We understand that getting bombarded with too much information and communication might be off-putting for you. Plus, our goal is to ensure your long-term progress, not to overwhelm you. That’s why we’ve chosen to do text-based check-ins that you can see at your own pace, without the pressure of a face-to-face/ voice interaction.
Weekly Check-In Calls
Don’t struggle alone as you fight hard to retrain your brain! Our package includes weekly check-in calls to provide essential emotional support. In these calls, we’ll also do a deep dive into your weekly progress, including your physical and mental well-being. Our approach is non-judgmental and focuses on motivating you to keep improving! Together, we will work towards a life free from addiction.
Our Services
Ancillary Services
In addition to our primary package, we also offer separate services according to your needs and comfort level. These include:
QEEG (Brain Map)
Neurofeedback or Neurostimulation consults
Brain Wave guided medication analysis
Ready to embark on a life-changing journey to get freedom from addiction?
So, please only sign up if you are 100% committed and serious about changing your brain, willpower, and life forever.
Our ideal clients have already stopped drinking or using drugs. If you are still struggling let us help guide you towards a comprehensive treatment center. Our recommendation is 30 days abstinence-based sobriety prior to beginning Neurofeedback.